And so the countdown begins…..

Hey everyone!!

Sorry for the lack of posts, sometimes it’s hard to come up with exciting things. But let’s be real for a minute, even everyday things can be exciting. So really, I’ll blame it on something much more menacing … SCHOOL.

I Heart Imagination is happening and it’s 12 DAYS AWAY!!

This will be the coolest conference you could ever attend ever. Or at least the coolest one you’ll attend within the next 12 days.

Before I rattle on about how great and wonderful this conference will be, I’m going to go ahead and get down to business. Really what I need from all of you lovely people who read this and want to attend this AMAZING conference here in SUNNY, San Luis Obispo, California is to come up with ideas and what YOU want to talk about. Tell me what they are in the comments, send me e-mails about it, hit me up on facebook, or whatever. Contact me in whatever way tickles your fancy. (My e-mail is on the contact page).
Then, if it’s something you’re really excited for, rather than just telling ME about how you want to talk about it, I want YOU to figure out how to share it with others, and offer up to be a workshop leader.

Why? Because I know you can do it.

The ONLY requirement, is that it comes back to the overall theme of this conference: IMAGINATION. *waves hands, makes a rainbow* It can come from some random job you worked at that was all about having fun in the workplace to how to use your imagination for new ways to implement social change. The possibilities are endless!

So hit me up, tell me what’s got you excited and let’s make some plans for a fantastic conference!

Amy Anderson

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